A Quiet Life

Alyssa Rogers • 31 January 2025

1 Thessalonians 4:11 (NLT)

Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.

(1 Thessalonians 4:11)

Contrast to the social standards of living, the word of God encourages a quiet life, a humble life, a life of serving and working the field that God has given you. California especially Los Angeles, is known to be fast pace aka a rat race. Social media congratulates busy life with success. How many things you can juggle and still look put together is considered to be someone who has “arrived”. “Boss babes” have become a new goal for young woman. Traditional women has become something of the past. Homemakers is less desired and in fact looked down upon. Homemakers are considered an unworthy job. America and other countries took the women out of the home, placed them in the industrial world to work among men, now even competing with men. Men have always been known to work and provide for their home and family. Women would tend to the home, children, garden and animals while the men hunted for food, worked jobs for income, worked the land, fought in wars and protected the home from harm. These traditional roles are complimentary towards one another. The wife lived quietly, and worked hard under her own roof. She labored in love for her family. Why is it that woman are frowned upon working at the home under her husband as her authority, rather than working outside the home for another employer? Some women cringe at the idea of being home with their own children, that they would rather work, and pay a day care, or send them off to public school just to not have to serve their own children. It’s sad. I feel purposeful when I get to teach them myself, cook for them nutritious food, it’s a joy to pour into my family. I believe our first priority and our first ministry is serving those first under our own roof. Our children need hands on parents. Our children flourish when tended to and nurtured. Mothers and fathers have a holy calling. Fathers who leave the house to provide are being sacrificial. However, when fathers come home, and tend to their young they are living true honorable lives.

A quiet life is like a hidden treasure, only those who seek it, gain the reward. A quiet life that is free from distractions, chaos, poor environments, bad entertainment produces a life of peace. Peace is the person of Jesus. Many think they can obtain peace through earthly rewards and treasures. If that was so, why is there a mental health crisis. Why are so many people anxious, depressed even when they are millionaires, or considered financially well off? Why is it that celebrities who have nice homes, nice cars, nice clothing, still lack peace? Social media has become a weapon used against one another to boast about life and vanity. Those who lust after the things of this world gain nothing. Those who envy others are left with bitter hearts. Those who complain about the things they do have are sinning. Many have found their worth in what they do, in their achievements or recognition. But what if the only recognition you get is not from others but those in your own home.

Homemakers are very impactful when they serve their offspring. Through guidance and wisdom mothers build independent children who will one day grow up and have responsibilities and duties as an adult. In our home, we try to simply life through eliminating kids using electronics, minimizing tv time, monitoring tv shows, playing outside as a priority, homeschooling the children to keep their innocence and purity, making board games, card games, books entertainment. We try to include the children in home responsibilities like picking up after their selves, help with setting the tables, making their beds. We believe this gives them appreciation for their house and their belongings. As a wife I desire to give my husband and my children an environment where they feel peace, security, and calmness. The desire to live a quiet life, has helped us to priorities the things that matter, like our faith and relationship with Jesus, our family togetherness and unity, aspiration to harmonize as family members. We have grown together through quality time spent. Culture tries to divide the family through work, distractions, media, money. It’s time to go against the grain, and fight for family not against it.


We should consider is more money worth leaving your home.

Is your debt-to-income ratio too high?

Is public attention more important than personal relationships in your home?

Are you trying to build your kingdom or God’s?

Do you find worth in things or in God?

Is your family worth fighting for?


Proverbs 31:27 (TPT)

She watches over the ways of her household and meets every need they have.

1 Peter 3:2 (TPT)

For when they observe your pure, godly life before God, it will impact them deeply.

Proverbs 17:1 (TPT)

A simple, humble life with peace and quiet is far better than an opulent lifestyle with nothing but quarrels and strife at home.

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