He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So, pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
- Matthew 9:37-38 NLT
We acknowledge there is the fivefold ministry; Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Teachers, and Evangelist that build the church [Ephesians 4:11].
As the church we feel a stirring in our spirit to labor in love for the Lord and His Kingdom. We feel compelled to sow righteous seeds into the soil of hearts of those in this world (believer or non-believer). We are opening our hearts to become available to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to pour his living water to nourish the seeds (lives) to grow in the Lord as mature crops ready for the Lord Jesus and His second return. We cannot do it alone; we are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are passionate to help stir up the body of Christ in faith. By reading the Word, hearing the Word, and applying the Word, we believe The Lord Jesus will receive the harvest He died, and resurrected for.
Join our bible studies, faith blog and vlogs as we follow Jesus.
Then he said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
MARK 16:15
We are Justin & Alyssa Rogers, fighting the spiritual fight side by side for the purpose of peace and joy from the Lord in our home. We have four children and wait on God for the blessings of more! As we grow our family, it is extremely important for our young to become a witness of kingdom living. Prior to marriage we individually made it our mission to serve God by pouring into his people and preaching the good news of the Messiah Yeshua to the "Lost Sheep" and "back-slidden". Then, the Lord gave us to each other, with the condition to build on Jesus as the foundation and the corner stone. With Him being our fortified structure, we began to build our blended family. Determined and disciplined to stand against the ways of the world and this world system who is under the sway of the devil. We are imperfect humans covered by the blood of Jesus, walking behind him in His footsteps. We continue to ask for Jesus to infill us with the wisdom we need for this journey. Our desire is to share what He has done for us so that Jesus may be glorified!
Justin and Alyssa mutually share the love for the Lord and His Word, they enjoy blasting Christian music all throughout the day, maintaining a healthy body through physical fitness, eating homecooked meals, and raising disciples. Together they attend church services during the week, and monthly host bible studies for friends and family to fellowship and break bread together. For leisure, they enjoy God's creation while camping, taking walks outside, and playing at the park.
"Keep life simple."
-The Rogers Family
Thank you for conecting with us.
-The Flourishing Family
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